Friday, October 1, 2010

A Tour of Tenwek Hospital

Tenwek's motto

View of the hospital walking up from our house

Outdoor chapel for patients

Fountain where patients or their family members often sit

Outpatient clinic waiting area. Patients often wait for several hours to be seen

"Casualty" is the emergency room

OB/GYN operating theater

We re-sterilized and re-used scrub brushes and bovie cautery

We wore these Macintosh aprons under our sterile gowns to stay "water proof"

It was a great experience for Bryan and I to operate together

Delivering a baby via cesarean section

Our ancient D&C machine

This is a delivery bed. There were 3 "rooms" separated by a curtain. There were NO epidurals!

The main operating theater's schedule board. Isaiah 30:26 "The Lord binds up the bruises of his people and heals their wounds"

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