Friday, December 10, 2010

Our Charlie Brown Christmas Tree

There is no snow and it's 70 degrees outside here in Kenya. Since December 25th is less than a month away, we had to decorate for Christmas so that it would feel more like home. On a recent hike, we found a tree branch that functions quite well for the purposes we needed it to. After borrowing some ornaments and lights, we think our Charlie Brown Christmas tree is pretty cute. Bryan's mom recently sent Anna and Leo some ornaments and we hung it on our tree - adding a touch of home.

Laurel, a dear friend of mine from Butler, sent an awesome care package. It had yummy treats for the kids and for Mommy (chocolate and more She also sent this great Merry Christmas sign.

Thanks to some good advice from missionaries here, we had packed our stockings from the States. Anna and Leo asked if Santa would know to come to Kenya instead of Plymouth, Michigan. We tried to reassure them as much as possible! The Popps won't have a white Christmas this year, but we definitely won't have a blue one!


  1. Success!!! I figured out a blog!! It only took me a few months! =o)

  2. Your Christmas tree is beautiful! I am sending a package out this week, so be ready! I miss everyone so much! I got Anna's letter, thanks! Love you all!

  3. I think that is a fabulous tree!!! What a great idea to bring your stockings. I will be thinking of you all over Christmas. Miss and love you lots.
